Investment Portfolios
Roy Lévesque & Associates has access to the largest managers of the major banks, investment firms, insurers and large pension funds across Canada. These relationships allow RL&A to assemble investment portfolios that match the various needs and advantages of different client profiles.
This array of options are designed with respect to the real life goals and considerations of each of our clients, which include:
Education savings
Emergency funds
Living costs
Large purchases such as a first home or second property
Reduction of debts
Retirement & succession, etc.
Savings goals
A client portfolio can be assembled based on any of the following:
Mutual funds, defensive and growth oriented
GICs and other government backed securities
REITs and other real estate backed products
TFSA strategies
RESP strategies
Various bond portfolios for fixed income strategies
By blending various products and strategies into an investment portfolio, Roy Léveseque & Associates can adapt strategies to grow over whole life timelines while keeping long term goals fixed.
Sound portfolio design and management combines investments in both equity markets and fixed income products to create a blend of risk and security, ensuring wealth grows according to long-term projections.